'Try this Yummy steps as a recovery track or additional flava to your playlist. Hope you will like it! Choreographed by Lahoa Danced by KOD CREW : Lahoa With guest students :Kit and Alex #keepondanzing #yummy #justinbieber #sexypop If you like this video, don\'t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel https://www.youtube.com/c/LahoariniSalinelkeepondanZing STAY CONNECTED Facebook Page : Keep on DanZing https://www.facebook.com/Keep-on-DanZing-286877855452786/ Instagram : keepondanzingkod https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=98f04q7dx6vf&utm_content=3unbcrh Email : keepondanzing@gmail.com #zumba #zumbafitness #zumbalove #zumbalover #zumbafamily #zumbaworldwide #zumbacommunity #zumbainstructors #zin #zinlife #zumbachoreos #zumbabeto #recoverytrack #pop #dancefitness'
Tags: yummy , pop hits , Yummy by Justin Beiber , yummy dance challenge , yunmy choreography@ , yummy by keep on danzing , yummy zumba , yummy dance steps , yummy sexy dance steps , pop.dance.fitness , justin b yummy , justin beiner@ , recovery track zumba , justin bieber 2020 , sexy pop
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